2023 至今, 南京林业大学, 林学院, 教授
2020至 2023, Umeå Plant Science Centre, 瑞典农业科学大学, Researcher (研究员)
2016至 2020, Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC), 瑞典农业科学大学,博后
2011 至 2016, 瑞典农业大学, 林木遗传育种, 博士
2007 至 2010, 北京林业大学, 林木遗传育种, 硕士
2003 至 2007, 浙江农林大学, 林学, 学士
课题组个人信息2: https://loop.frontiersin.org/people/1005450/overview
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32471891,联合基因组和表型组学解析影响杉木重要经济性状基因 组选择的关键因子,2025/01-2018/12,50万元,在研,主持
2. 南京林业大学高层次人才引进启动经费,2023- 2026,200万, 主持
3. Föreningen Skogsträdsförädling, Research call, 22-483, Certifying plus-tree origin and correcting progeny pedigree to improve breeding value prediction in Norway spruce breeding program, 2023-01 至 2024-12, 36万元, 在研, 主持
4. Royal Swedish Academy of Forestry and Agriculture, KSLA, Research call, GFS2022-0123, Deciphering genetic control of drought resistance in Norway spruce: Accelerating adaptation of Norway spruce to future drought climate, 2023-01 至 2023-12, 10万元, 在研, 主持
5. Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF), Strategic research, 220101-261231, Rapid cycle genomic breeding, 2022-01 至 2026-12, 800万元, 在研, 参与
6. Föreningen Skogsträdsförädling, Research calll, 22-485, Mitigating adverse correlation between growth and woode density in Norway spruce breeding, 2023-01 至 2024-12, 66万元, 在研, 参与
7. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Urgent call, 2018.0272, Norway spruce and Scots pine genome sequencing, reseqencing and genomic selection, 2019-01 至 2024-12, 6500万元, 在研, 参与
(1) 江苏省特聘教授, 杉木多组学研究, 2023 至 2026,200万元
1. Chen Z-Q, Klingberg A, Hallingbäck HR, and Wu HX(2023). Preselection of QTL markers enhances accuracy of genomic selection in Norway spruce. BMC Genomics 24(1):147. (IF5-year=4.7)
2. Chen Z-Q, Zan Y, Milesi, P, Zhou, L, Chen, J, Li L, Cui B., Niu S., Westin J, Karlsson B, et al (2021). Leveraging breeding programs and genomic data in Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) for GWAS analysis. Genome Biology; 22(1):179. (IF5-year=17.4)
3. Bernhardsson C, Zan Y, Chen Z-Q, Ingvarsson PK, Wu HX (2020). Development of a highly efficient 50K SNP genotyping array for the large and complex genome of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) by whole genome re‐sequencing and its transferability to other spruce species. Molecular Ecology Resource 21(3):880-896. (IF5-year=6.82)
4. Chen Z-Q, Hai HNT, Helmersson A, Liziniewicz M, Hallingbäck HR, Fries A, Berlin M, Wu HX (2020). Advantage of clonal deployment in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst). Annals of Forest Science; 77:14. (IF5-year=3.2)
5. Chen Z-Q, Baison J, Pan J, Karlsson B, Andersson B, Westin J, García-Gil MR, Wu HX (2018) . Accuracy of genomic selection for growth and wood quality traits in two control-pollinated progeny trials using exome capture as the genotyping platform in Norway spruce. BMC Genomics; 19:946. (IF5-year=4.7)
6. Chen, Z.-Q, Lundén, K., Karlsson, B., Vos, I., Olson, Å., Lundqvist, S.-O., Stenlid, J. Wu, H.X., García Gil, M.R., & Elfstrand, M. (2018). Early selection for resistance toHeterobasidion parviporum in Norway spruce is not likely to affect growth and wood quality traits in late-age performance. European Journal of Forest Research,137(4):517–525 (IF5-year= 2.8)
7. Chen, Z.-Q, Helmersson, A., Westin, J., Karlsson, B. & Wu, H.X. (2018) Efficiency of using spatial analysis for Norway spruce field tests in Sweden. Annals of Forest Science, 75(1):1–10. (IF5-year=3.2)
8. Chen, Z.-Q., Karlsson, B., & Wu, H.X. (2017) Patterns of additive genotype-by-environment interaction in tree height of Norway spruce in southern and central Sweden. Tree Genetics & Genomes 13(1):25. (IF5-year=2.4)
9. Chen, Z.-Q., Karlsson, B., Lundqvist, S.-O., García Gil, M.R., Olsson, L. & Wu, H.X. (2015). Estimating solid wood properties using Pilodyn and acoustic velocity on standing trees of Norway spruce. Annals of Forest Science,72(4):1–10. (IF5-year=3.2)
10. Chen, Z.-Q., García Gil, M.R., Karlsson, B., Lundqvist, S.-O., Olsson, L. & Wu, H.X. (2014). Inheritance of growth and solid wood quality traits in a large Norway spruce population tested at two locations in southern Sweden. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 10(5):1291–1303. (IF5-year=2.4)
· 《Frontiers in Forests and Global Change》评审编委(Review Editor)
· 中国林学会青年工作委员会第四届委员会委员