2023.1- 南京林业大学 林学院 教授(校聘)
2021.2-2023.1 香港浸会大学 深圳研究院 助理研究员
2020.6-2023.9 香港浸会大学 国家重点实验室 博士后 (导师:蔡宗苇)
2014.6-2016.6 南方科技大学 环境学院 研究助理 (导师:唐圆圆)
2016.6-2020.8 香港浸会大学 博士:环境化学 (导师:蔡宗苇,唐圆圆)
2011.9-2014.7 中山大学 硕士:海洋环境化学 (导师:李雁)
2007.9-2011.7 沈阳化工大学 本科:环境工程
1. 微纳米塑料及其他新污染物在森林湿地及水环境中分布赋存形态及迁移规律;
2. 微纳米塑料新污染物对林木生长代谢效应影响;
3. 基于质谱方法定性定量微(纳)米塑料;
4. 废弃塑料资源化,能源化研究。
1. 2021.9-present 主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(No.:22106130)
2. 2023.10-present 主持江苏省级人才项目
3. 2023.1-present 主持南京林业大学高层次人才水杉学者科研启动经费
1. Wu, P.; Chan, Q.-W.; Tan, H.; Siu, S.-Y.; Zhao, X.; Cao, G.; Yang, Z.; Ren, K.*; Cai, Z.* A threat or not? A global-scale investigation on microplastics inhalation during the first-ever worldwide face-mask wearing against the COVID-19 pandemic. The Innovation Medicine, 2024, 2(4), 100097. (封面导读文章)
2. Wu, P.; Tang, Y.; Cao, G.; Li, J.; Wang, S.; Chang, X.; Dang, M.; Jin, H.; Cai, Z.* Determination of Environmental Micro-(nano-)plastics by Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/ Ionization - Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem., 2020, 92, 14346-14356. (封面文章; Nature Index;IF:8.008)
3. Wu, P.; Cai, Z.*; Jin, H.; Tang, Y.* Adsorption mechanisms of five bisphenol analogues on PVC microplastics. Sci. Total Environ., 2019, 650 (1), 671-678. (ESI高倍引文章; IF:10.753)
4. Wu, P.; Tang, Y.; Dang, M.; Wang, S.; Jin, H.; Liu,Y.; Jing, H.; Zheng, C.; Yi, S.; Cai, Z.*. Spatial-temporal distribution of microplastics in surface water and sediments of Maozhou River within Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Sci. Total Environ. 2020, 135187. (ESI 高倍引文章; IF:10.753)
5. Wu, P.; Zhang, H.; Singh, N.; Tang, Y.*; Cai, Z.* Intertidal zone effects on occurrence, fate and potential risks of microplastics with perspectives under COVID-19 pandemic. Chem. Eng. J. 2022, 132351. (中科院一区;IF:16.744)
6. Wu, P.; Lin, S.; Cao G.; Wu, J.; Jin, H.; Wang, C.; Wong, M. H.; Yang, Z.; Cai, Z.* Absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity of microplastics in the human body and health implications. J. Hazard. Mater. 2022. 437, 129361. (中科院一区;IF:14.244)
7. Liu, F.; Guo, M.; Wang, Y.; Yang, S.; Yang, X.; Wang, K.; Hou, J.; Wang, G.; He, C.*; Wu, P.* Impacts of Pandemic-Associated Plastic Waste on Microplastics in Ambient PM2.5. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 2025, Accept.
8. Wu, P.; Li, J.; Tang, Y.; Cai, Z.* Release of tens of thousands of microfibers from discarded face masks under simulated environmental conditions. Sci. Total Environ. 2022, 150458. (中科院一区;IF:10.753)
9. Wu, P.; Tang, Y.; Jin, H.; Song, Y.; Liu, Y.; Cai, Z.* Consequential fate of bisphenol-attached PVC microplastics in water and simulated intestinal fluids. Environ. Sci. Ecotoxico. 2020, 2, 100027. (该杂志年度引用次数最多文章之一; 编辑部十大精选论文;IF:14.0)
10. Wu, P.; Wang, B.; Lu, Y.; Cao, G.; Xie, P.; Wang, W.; Chen, D.; Huang, G.; Jin, H.; Yang, Z.; Cai, Z.* Machine Learning-Assisted Insights into Sources and Fate of Microplastics in Wastewater Treatment Plants. ACS ES&T Water 2024, 4, 3, 1107-1118 (中科院二区;IF: 5.3)
11. Wu, P.; Wu, X.; Huang, Q.; Yu, Q.; Jin, H.; Zhu, M.* Mass spectrometry-based multimodal approaches for the identification and quantification analysis of microplastics in food matrix. Front. Nutr. 2023, 10,1163823. (中科院二区;IF: 6.59)
12. Wu, P.; Tang, Y.; Cai, Z. Dual roles of coal fly ash in copper ion adsorption followed by thermal stabilization in a spinel solid solution. RSC Adv. 2018, 8, 8805-8812. (中科院二区;IF: 4.036)
13. Huang, Q.; Wu, X.; Cao, G.; Zhang, J.; Wu, P.*, Cai, Z. Mass spectrometry-based techniques for determination of microplastics in terrestrial ecosystems, TrAC Trend. Anal. Chem., 2024, 178, 117853.(中科院一区;IF:11.8).
14. Wu, P.; Guo, M.; Zhang, R.; Huang, Q.*; Wang, G.; Lan, Y.* When Microplastics/Plastics Meet Metal Organic Frameworks: Turning Threats into Opportunities. Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 17781-17798. (中科院一区;IF:7.8).
15. Huang, Q.; Wu, P. (Co-first author); Li, X.; Wang, Y.; Tian, D.*; Lan, Y.* Crystalline porous materials for catalytic conversion of lignin-related substances. Aggregate 2024, 5,3, e525. (IF: 18.8)
16. Chang, X.; Wu, P. (Co-first author); Chu, Y.; Zhou, Y., Tang, Y.* Pyrolysis-induced migration and transformation of heavy metals in sewage sludge containing microplastics. Waste Manag. 2024. (中科院一区;IF:6.708)
17. Li, Y.(supervisor); Wu, P.; Xia, Z; Yang, Q.; Flores, G; Jiang, H.; Kamon, M.; Yu, B. Changes in residual air saturation after thorough drainage processes in an air-water fine sandy medium. J. Hydrol. 2014, 519, 271-283. (中科院一区;IF:6.708)
1. SCI杂志:Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry 客座副主编
2. SCI杂志:American Journal of Chemical Engineering 责任编辑
3. SCI杂志:Frontiers in Environmental Science 审稿编辑
4. SCI杂志:Journal of Hazardous Materials, Waste Management, Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry, Science of Total Environment, Environmental Pollution, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, Journal of Chemistry 等长期审稿人