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2. Zhu KK, Liu H, Chen X, Cheng Q, Cheng ZM. The kinome of pineapple: catalog and insights into functions in crassulacean acid metabolism plants.BMC Plant Biol. 2018,18,199
3. Zhu KK, Cui WT, Dai C, Wu M, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Xie Y, Shen W. Methane-rich water alleviates NaCl toxicity during alfalfa seed germination. Environ Exp Bot, 2016, 129: 37–47.
4. Zhu KK, Chen F, Liu J, Chen X, Hewezi T, Cheng, ZM. Evolution of an intron-poor cluster of the CIPK gene family and expression in response to drought stress in soybean. Sci Rep, 2016,6: 28225.
5. Zhu KK, Zhang J, Cui WT, Jin QJ, Samma MK, Shen WB. Role of heme oxygenase-1 in spermidine-induced alleviation of salt toxicity during alfalfa seed germination. Plant Soil, 2014, l 365: 275–287.
6. Zhu KK, Jin QJ, Samma MK, Lin GQ, Shen WB. Molecular cloning and characterization of a heme oxygenase1 gene from sunflower and its expression profiles in salinity acclimation. Mol Biol Rep, 2014, 41:4109–4121.